The Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo is currently holding the exhibition “MOT Collection: Walking, Traveling, Moving – From the Great Kanto Earthquake to the Present / Eye to Eye.”
Nara’s artworks 《Little Riding Red Hood》and《Sleepless Night (with paintbrush)》 collected by the MOT are on display there.
With this, the Museum Shop of the MOT NADiff contemporary has some of our N’s YARD original items.
Exhibition Information
MOT Collection:
Walking, Traveling, Moving―From the Great Kanto Earthquake to the Present
Eye to Eye
The Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo houses approximately 5,800 artworks in its extensive collection, which spans the modern and contemporary periods with a focus on art of the postwar years. Each “MOT Collection” exhibition introduces artworks in the collection from a different angle, to demonstrate the diverse appeal of contemporary art.
Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo
The first-floor section of this exhibition, “Walking, Traveling, Moving: From the Great Kanto Earthquake to the Present,” comprises a variety of works, from sketches drawn by KANOKOGI Takeshiro on a visit to Tokyo immediately after the 1923 Great Kanto Earthquake to document the devastated city, to works by Olafur ELIASSON produced for his solo exhibition at MOT in 2020, when restrictions on ”moving” were in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic. FUJIMAKI Yoshio’s masterpiece Scenes from the Sumidagawa River (1934) will also be on display, along with newly acquired works by KUSANAGI Shinpei, MITSUSHIMA Takayuki, and Wataridori Keikaku [ASO Tomoko, TAKEUCHI Akiko] created for the “MOT Satellite” exhibitions. We hope that by tracing the footsteps of artists from different eras and countries, the works shown here will serve to enhance our perspective on the world, and the society in which we live.
The third floor, under the title “Eye to Eye,” focuses on different types of gaze, presenting the “painted gaze” in the works of artists including Alex KATZ, Roy LICHTENSTEIN, NAKAMURA Hiroshi and NAKAZONO Koji, and “involving gaze” in, for example, the sculptures and reliefs of TADA Minami and Monir Shahroudy FARMANFARMAIAN using reflective materials. This section also covers a plethora of techniques, with a special emphasis on looking and seeing, including the “camera eye” of MATSUE Taiji capturing the workings of cities and nature around the world; and “critical gaze” directed on minute landscape details by the video work of Maya WATANABE.
- Exhibition Period: Saturday, 6 April – Sunday, 7 July 2024
- Closed: Mondays (except 29 Apr, 6 May), 30 Apr, 7 May
- Opening Hours: 10 AM – 6 PM (Tickets available until 30 minutes before closing.)
- Admission: Adults – 500 yen / University & College Students – 400 yen / High School Students, Over 65 – 250 yen / Free for under Junior High School Students & Temporary Exhibition tickets holders
- Venue: Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Collection Gallery

Museum Shop
NADiff contemporary
Museum Shop NADiff contemporary offers a broad selection of unique artist-designed goods as well as exhibition catalogues, originally-designed MOT items, and books on contemporary art. Visitors will enjoy browsing the shop for “sold only here” art gifts that let them take home the spirit of contemporary art.
- Opening Hours|10:00 – 18:00
- Closed|On days the museum is closed
- TEL|03-5875-9959(Direct)
NADiff contemporary:
* Please note that goods may not be in stock.